Answering Two Questions Regarding Cracked Incisors

Your incisors are important for allowing you to easily bite into foods, and they play a critical role in determining the quality of your smile. Unfortunately, it is fairly common for individuals to crack these teeth. This is often due to an injury, but it can also be the result of extensive decay to the tooth. When this problem arises, it can present some cosmetic and functional challenges for the patient. You should find yourself better able to have this type of dental injury addressed with the following answers.

What If You Do Not Get The Cracked Incisor Repaired?

Some people may avoid having a cracked tooth repaired because of the cost involved. However, this can greatly worsen the problem because the cracked tooth will be more likely to develop a cavity. This is because the crack will compromise the enamel of the tooth. In addition to making decay more likely, a crack in the tooth's enamel can also expose it to the risk of developing an infection, which might require a root canal to repair. While scheduling a trip to the dentist may not be something that you want to do, it will be necessary to ensure that you do this as soon as possible.

What Should Be Done To A Cracked Incisor Molar?

When you go to the dentist to have this problem addressed, you should be relieved to learn that it will likely be possible for the dentist to reconstruct the tooth. This is done using a bonding material that can be molded into the shape of a natural tooth. In addition to restoring the appearance of the tooth, this process will also close any gaps in the enamel that resulted from the crack.

In some cases, the tooth may be too damaged for bonding to be a practical option. When this is the case, it will be necessary for the dentist to put a crown over the tooth. The crown essentially acts as a protective cap for the tooth, which will help to reinforce it.

Suffering a cracked incisor can be a painful and embarrassing dental issue for you to experience. However, if you have never suffered this type of injury to your mouth, you may not understand the importance of having this damage repaired or the options for correcting it. After considering these two answers to common questions, you should be in a much better position to ensure a cracked incisor does not cause serious issues for your smile. For more information, tlak to a dentist like James Tritton DDS PC.
