When You Chip the Dental Crown Attached to Your Implant

Dentistry tends to use overlapping definitions. For example, when a tooth has deteriorated to the point that a mere filling won't be sufficient to maintain its strength, it will be reinforced with a dental crown—a shell made of porcelain, metal, or acrylic fitted over the tooth. The visible portion of a natural tooth (the section above the gum line) is also referred to as a crown. And finally, when you receive a dental implant, the prosthetic tooth attached to the implanted section is also called a crown.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

By now, you already know that dental implants are the best for replacing missing or damaged teeth. They are highly durable, and they also look and feel like natural teeth. But perhaps you're hesitant about getting dental implants because you have heard it involves surgery. And surgeries often involve pain.  While it's true getting a dental implant entails a minor oral surgery, the operation isn't as painful as you would think because of the advancements made in modern dentistry on pain management.

Dentures Vs. Implants: 5 Reasons Your Aging Parent Should Opt For Dental Implants

Studies show that at least 26% of adults aged 65 years or older have eight or fewer teeth due to severe tooth loss. Missing teeth can affect nutrition and jaw function and cause bite alignment issues and premature tooth wear. When choosing dental restorations for tooth loss, dentures and implants are popular options for seniors. However, dental implants have more to offer as compared to temporary dentures. Below are five reasons you should recommend dental implants to your aging parent.

Why In-Office Professional Whitening Is Better For Your Teeth

You might be tempted to whiten your teeth as a way to save time and out of convenience, but the best way to whiten your teeth is to turn to a cosmetic dentist. When you attempt to whiten your own teeth, you will have to worry about whether you accidentally damage them. Issues When Whitening Your Teeth Yourself If you have tooth sensitivity or if you are suffering from gum irritation, you will want to solve this problem before you have your teeth whitened.

Three Downsides Of Dental Bridges That Dental Implants Don't Have

When you have a few missing teeth, dental bridges and dental implants are typically both an option. While some people choose dental bridges because they sometimes have a lower start-up cost, there are some significant downsides to dental bridges that dental implants don't share. Here's what you could completely avoid if you choose dental implants instead of a bridge. Cleaning Dental bridges require additional care when it comes to keeping them clean.