Have Both Implants And Natural Teeth? Know How To Care For Both Of Them

If you have a combination of dental implants and natural teeth, it is understandable that you may be confused about how to properly care for them. Your natural teeth will be really different from the titanium implants that you had installed, so it may seem as if the implants need special care. You may be surprised to learn that there are many similarities when it comes to caring for both kinds of teeth. Here is what you need to know.

Your Brushing Habits

You should not have to change up the kind of toothpaste that you use once you get dental implants installed. For instance, if you currently use a fluoride toothpaste, feel assured that you can continue using it without causing any damage to your implants. The main thing you want to look for in a toothpaste is if it is overly abrasive. Check with your dentist to find out if there are any ingredients you should avoid, such as dehydrated silica gel or calcium carbonate.

When brushing twice each day, it is important to use a brush that has soft bristles. Brushes with firm or medium bristles could potentially scratch the surface of dental implants and natural teeth. Using an electric or manual toothbrush is acceptable, but only with soft bristles. Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months, or when the toothbrush is starting to look frayed.

Your Flossing Habits

If you have dental implants, you might find that they have an easier time with a dental floss that is wide and unwaxed. These work best for implants because they typically have a slight space around them. A wider dental floss lets the floss reach all the areas around the tooth, so you will not miss anything.

Still hold onto that thin dental floss though, because it could work much better in places where you have natural teeth and the teeth are very close together. You may need to keep two kinds of dental floss on hand, but it will help keep your teeth clean. You will also want to floss with an up and down motion, which will do a much better job at cleaning around the gum line.

For more tips on taking care of both dental implants and natural teeth, ask a dentist such as Aaron G Birch, DDS PC. They will be able to recommend what you can do to ensure that your implants and natural teeth stay healthy for a as long possible. 
