Important Benefits Of Using Dental Implants To Replace Missing Teeth

After you suffer the loss of a tooth, you may find that you want to have it replaced. Whether this desire is due to a need to correct functional problems or simply wanting to restore your smile's appearance, it is important to be informed about the full range of options that are available for replacing a missing tooth. To this end, dental implants can be an excellent choice that can provide some noticeable improvements over other tooth replacement options.

Improve Comfort

Many people will automatically assume that dentures or bridges will be the best options for restoring their smile. However, these options may not be the most comfortable due to the fact that they may not feel very secure. This can be particularly problematic for dentures, but it is a problem that patients with bridges can also encounter. In contrast, dental implants will feel extremely secure due to them being installed directly in the jaw.

Minimize Bone Loss

Another key advantage of opting for dental implants is that they can minimize the bone loss that will often follow a tooth loss. This bone loss occurs in the jaw because the bone will weaken and erode if there is not a tooth's root to support it. Dental implants are made of materials that can bond to the jaw bone in a manner similar to a tooth root, and this can be a source of invaluable support for these bones.

Anchor Bridges And Partial Dentures

For patients that have suffered the loss of many of their teeth, it may simply not be practical for them to have every one of these missing teeth replaced with implants. However, this does not mean that these patients are unable to benefit from these prosthetics. For example, it can be possible to use these implants as anchors for bridges and dentures. By anchoring these tooth replacement options, you can help improve their security. When the remaining teeth have been weakened by damage or are otherwise unable to act as anchors, installing anchor dental implants may be the only way of avoiding traditional dentures.

Replacing missing teeth is important for a number of reasons. While this type of treatment can be important for individuals that have lost teeth to undergo, the various tooth replacement options can be rather confusing. If you are to adequately evaluate these options, you must understand the unique benefits that each option will provide. Knowing that dental implants are more secure, minimize bone loss in the jaw and can serve as anchor points for other tooth replacement systems should give you insight when you are deciding on a strategy for correcting your smile at a dental clinic.
