Tired Of The Way Your Gums Look? 4 Tips To Ease The Recovery From Gum Contouring

If you're tired of showing too much of your gums when you smile, contouring can give you a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. With contouring, your cosmetic dentist will shave off the excess gums that cover too much of your teeth. Gum contouring can be done right in the dentist's office and shouldn't require any prolonged recovery period. However, you will need to take care of your gums during the healing process.

Keep the Pain Under Control

Your dentist will use a mild anesthetic for the procedure, so you shouldn't feel any pain during the procedure. However, you may feel some pain or discomfort during the recovery period. You can keep the pain under control by taking over-the-counter pain medication as needed. You can also apply ice packs to your face to reduce the swelling and alleviate the discomfort.

Watch What You Eat

Your gums are going to be tender after the procedure. That's because a portion of them have been shaved away. To avoid harming your gums, be sure to watch what you eat for at least the first few days following the procedure. Avoid eating hard foods or foods that contain sharp edges, such as chips. It's best to stick to soft foods such as ice cream, yogurt, and soup. You should also try to stay away from hot or spicy foods that may irritate your gums.

Brush and Rinse with Care

You'll need to brush your teeth following the procedure. However, you should take care when using your toothbrush. If you brush too vigorously, you could injure your gums. Instead, brush lightly for the first few days. Instead of using dental floss, use a waterpik to clean between your teeth. Keep the water pressure at the lowest setting. If you notice an increased amount of blood when you brush your teeth, be sure to contact your dentist.

Watch for Signs of Infection

You'll want to watch for signs of infection following the procedure to contour your gums. With proper care, you should be able to avoid infections. However, they can still occur. Some signs of infection that you should watch out for include increased pain, excessive swelling, and foul smelling discharge from below the gum line. If you notice any of those signs of infection, you should contact your dentist immediately.

If you don't like the look of your gums, talk with a cosmetic dentist about gum contouring. And once you've decided to have your gums contoured, use the tips provided here to make the recovery process more comfortable.
