3 Ways A Dentist Can Make Your Smile Look Nicer

If you have tried all that you can at home but have found that you are still not happy with your smile, it might be time to seek out cosmetic dentistry services. To have a better understanding of some of the things that can be done for you, you will want to continue reading.

Teeth Whitening

You might have tried several different over the counter teeth whitening products and maybe even some home remedy solutions. However, the teeth whitening treatment that you will receive from the dentist will be much more effective. Not only will your teeth look a lot whiter, but the outcome is going to last longer than the results from over the counter products. You will still need to return every six to twelve months for another teeth whitening treatment in order to continue to have that bright white smile.


If you have a gap between some of your teeth and do not want to go the route of braces, a cosmetic dentist might be able to help. If the teeth are healthy, they may be able to use a bonding agent to extend the width of the teeth just enough so that the gap disappears without it making the teeth look too big. This is a quicker and more affordable solution than trying to wear braces for a couple of years.


When you have some teeth that are discolored or shaped strange, you can hide them under a dental cap. The cap that will be placed over your tooth will be made in a color that will blend in with the surrounding natural teeth. This will prevent other people from being able to tell that you have a dental cap over one of your teeth. It is not something that you remove on your own, as it is put on in a way that is permanent. 

Now that you have those options in mind, you will want to make an appointment with a trusted cosmetic dentist. The sooner you make that initial consultation appointment, the sooner you will finally have a smile that you will be proud to show off. If you are not sure which cosmetic dentist to go to, you will want to look online for reviews. While you cannot expect that every single patient a dentist has ever had will be happy, you should find that the majority of the reviews left are positive ones.
