How To Properly Care For Your New Set Of Dentures

If you just got your first set of dentures or you know that dentures are in your future, you will want to make sure that you are taking very good care of them. You would not want them to become broken, especially since many dental insurance policies will only pay for one set. Denture repairs and replacement dentures may be something that you have to fully pay for on your own. Therefore, you will want to make use of the following advice on how to properly care for your new set of dentures.

Take Them Out Every Night

Many people make the mistake of assuming that it is just fine to leave their dentures in throughout the night. However, you really need to remove them, clean them, and then place them in a cup or bowl of water. Include a denture-cleaning tablet in that bowl or cup and allow your dentures to soak through the night. This will help remove all germs from the dentures. Your mouth will also get a chance to rest, helping to lessen the chance that you will end up with sores in your mouth.

Don't Use Toothpaste To Clean Them

Sure, when you take out your dentures, you will want to brush them with a toothbrush, but you do not want to use regular toothpaste. The toothpaste used on natural teeth is simply too abrasive for dentures. Instead, you will want to purchase a taste meant specifically for dentures and clean them with that. When you do clean your dentures, you will want to first make sure that you are placing a washcloth or towel on the counter or sink. This way, should you accidentally drop your dentures, they will land on something soft, hopefully preventing them from chipping or breaking.

Skip The Hard Candies

Even though you will eventually be able to eat a lot of the foods that you used to, you will want to refrain from chomping on things like hard candies. This is because the harder it is to break the food, the more likely it is that the food could break your dentures.

Make sure that you are talking with your dentist in order to obtain more information on what you can do to properly care for your dentures. He or she will have seen a lot of things during the course of their career and will be able to give you some valuable advice that you might not have come up with on your own.
