Are Dental Implants Painful?

By now, you already know that dental implants are the best for replacing missing or damaged teeth. They are highly durable, and they also look and feel like natural teeth. But perhaps you're hesitant about getting dental implants because you have heard it involves surgery. And surgeries often involve pain. 

While it's true getting a dental implant entails a minor oral surgery, the operation isn't as painful as you would think because of the advancements made in modern dentistry on pain management. Here is what to expect during and after the surgery. 

During Dental Implant Surgery

Generally, you shouldn't feel any pain during the dental implant operation because your dentist will use either local or general anesthesia to numb the treatment area completely. With local anesthesia, you're conscious throughout the whole process but can't feel pain, but with general anesthesia, you're totally unconscious. 

Your dentist may also sedate you to eliminate any pain and anxiety during the surgery. But before then, they will discuss the anesthesia and sedation options with you to determine what is right for you. In the end, the process will be smooth. 

After the Dental Implant Surgery

You may experience a little pain or discomfort after the dental implant operation, especially after the local anesthesia wears off. However, the pain and discomfort will only last for a few days. Within a few weeks, all that will be a thing of the past. 

You may also experience other symptoms after the surgery, like minor bleeding and swelling around the gums. These, too, should be gone within a few days. Your dentist may also recommend a prescription or over-the-counter medication to manage or reduce the pain and discomfort. 

Other post-procedure care methods include the following:

  • Strictly following the post-operation instructions by your dentist
  • Avoiding hard, hot, or spicy foods
  • Using ice packs to reduce possible swelling
  • Regularly rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater to kill germs and boost healing.

What If You're Still Feeling Pain a Few Weeks After the Dental Implant Surgery?

Any pain or discomfort after a dental implant procedure should only be temporary. Therefore, if you're still experiencing excessive pain or discomfort a few weeks after the surgery, there is cause for alarm. 

Normally, people experience pain for an extended period after the procedure if there are complications like an improperly fitted implant, an infection, or an incision line opening. Therefore, don't hesitate to call your dentist. Same case if you're experiencing other symptoms like worsening swelling, fever, nausea, or continuous bleeding. 
