Have Sleep Apnea? Know Your Different Treatment Options

Do you currently suffer from sleep apnea? If so, you are likely wondering what your treatment options are so that you can sleep better at night. Here are a few different treatment options that you can pick from.

CPAP Machines

A CPAP machine is a mask that fits over the nose, mouth, or both at the same time. The machine can best be described as a pneumatic splint. It prevents the airways from collapsing so that air is pushed through them while you are sleeping, which eliminates the symptoms you can experience with sleep apnea. 

While a CPAP machine can be very effective, some people find it to be difficult to use while they are sleeping. It can be uncomfortable and make falling asleep harder, even if it prevents sleep apnea episodes while they are asleep. If someone has severe sleep apnea, it is likely that they will start with a CPAP machine to treat the problem. If that is not working, they will move on to other options. 

Know that if you are diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, it is likely that you will have coverage to receive a CPAP machine. This can help you cut down on the overall cost so that it is more affordable. 

Dental Appliances

A dental appliance can be great for people that experience mild sleep apnea, and it works by moving the jaw forward so that the upper airway is opened more. It prevents the jaw from resting in a position that can close up the airway at the back of the mouth and allow the air to flow freely. If someone is having difficulty using a CPAP machine for difficult cases of sleep apnea, a dental appliance is worth trying. It may do a good job of reducing sleep apnea episodes and provide a better quality of sleep.

There is also the option to make a custom dental appliance with medical-grade materials. Rather than try to use a one-size-fits-all dental appliance, your dentist can actually help create a custom appliance that will be more comfortable to wear and encourage its use. 

A dental appliance is another type of device that is going to be covered by most types of insurance. Even though it can be created by a dentist, you do not need to have dental insurance to get it. Just make sure to check with your health insurance provider to ensure that acquiring a dental appliance from a specific dentist is covered.  

For more information about sleep apnea treatments, contact a local company. 
